Gen model/subset download gives SQLCODE = -904 and 00C90080
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Gen model/subset download gives SQLCODE = -904 and 00C90080


Article ID: 129632


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Gen Gen - Host Encyclopedia


When trying to download a Gen model or a specific subset from Gen Host Encyclopedia this error occurs:
SQLCODE = -904 unavailable resource, REASON = 00C90080
The problem occurs for all models and users.


Release: 8.6
Gen Host Encyclopedia


Db2 for z/OS > 12 > Db2 codes > Db2 reason codes > X'C9......' codes > 00C90080

An attempt was made to allocate a resource for update operations. However, the resource was already started for read-only access. 

System action 
The allocation process is not allowed.

Operator response 
If this reason code appears in message DSNT501I, determine whether the named resource should be started for read-only access. 

User response 
Determine when the resource is started for read/write access, and rerun the job.

The DB2 database had been started with read-only access.


Restarting the DB2 database resource with read/write access resolved the problem.