Are XEROX reports supported with Output Management Web Viewer 12.1?
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Are XEROX reports supported with Output Management Web Viewer 12.1?


Article ID: 12941


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Output Management Web Viewer


Are Xerox reports supported with Web Viewer 12.1?


  • Output Management Web Viewer 12.1
  • Xerox Corp
  • View®
  • DRAS
  • Spool™


Xerox reports are supported with Web Viewer 12.1 and View® and DRAS 14.0,

With View® and DRAS 14.0, the C transformers have been removed and replaced by the Java transformers - essentially the same library distributed with Spool™.

Xerox reports can be viewed as .pdf files.



Additional Information

From the View® 14.0 documentation:

Configure DRAS or Web Viewer to Use the Java Transformers

The Spool™ Java Transformers convert print data streams from one format to another. The Spool™ Java transformers automatically transform IBM AFP, Xerox, Metacode, and text reports stored in a View® database to Adobe PDF (Portable Document Format) files. This capability lets you view View® AFP and Metacode reports as PDF files from OM Web Viewer Release 12.1,

The  View® and DRAS 14.0 Java transformers can run under the control of Spool™ or can run stand alone as a self-contained started task.