Resolve common GnSNMPDev model problems with Spectrum Self Certification
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Resolve common GnSNMPDev model problems with Spectrum Self Certification


Article ID: 129149


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CA Spectrum DX NetOps


Sometimes modeling a device in Spectrum may show missing performance tab, greyed out (disabled) Performance Tab, 0% utilization value, greyed out (disabled) host configuration tab, GnSNMPDev model type, and other disabled components. 

How To: Spectrum Device Self Certification - resolve GnSNMPDev model type, performance tab 0% utilization is incorrect, or host configuration tab greyed out


All supported DX NetOps Spectrum releases


This happens if you are modeling a device which is not yet Certified within Spectrum. In some cases the vendor has updated existing devices with new MIBs and new MIB attributes must be utilized (mapped) for Spectrum to poll for correct data.

Check here to see if the device is Certified. This will also show which version the device was certified in Initially. 


Documentation on using Device Self Certification can be found here: Self-Certification documentation topic

The steps to be followed are:

Device Self-Certification

The CA SPECTRUM Network Fault Manager Product Management team receives frequent requests to support new or enhanced devices with a specific device certification update. However, full device certification is no longer the only option for comprehensive fault management visibility within our product. Using built-in configuration utilities and options, an administrator can configure SPECTRUM to provide comprehensive fault management visibility without a specific device certification.
This document highlights the latest out-of-the-box options for configuring SPECTRUM to support new SNMP-compliant devices. These steps must be performed by a SPECTRUM Administrator.
To configure new device support without a device certification, follow these steps:

Identify the new device to manage.

Using Device Certification Manager utility, you can uniquely identify a new device. Unique identification improves your operator’s recognition and lets you better organize your assets. To identify the new device, you will:
a. Give the new device a specific and recognizable device type name. For example, change the generic “SNMPDV” device type name to “Powerware UPS.”
b. Set the model class to get the desired icon in OneClick.  
Note: For more information about customizing the device type name using Device Certification utility. For information about managing icons, see the Adding Support for Model Types and Model Classes

Add new MIBs supported by the device.

Using SPECTRUM MIB Tools, you can import and access MIB information for new devices. With the new MIB information, you can build OneClick views to display essential device details and statistics, giving you greater insight into your managed device. Also, you can set threshold values for critical data, letting you generate alarms for critical device functions.
Note: For more information about MIB management, see Using MIB Tools 

Support new traps the device can send.

Using SPECTRUM MIB Tools, you can add support to monitor any device-generated trap and select the appropriate alarm disposition to alert operators to critical issues.
Note: For more information about trap management, see Adding Trap Support

Customize new trap behavior.

Using SPECTRUM Event Configuration, you can customize the behavior of new traps to determine how the information from your new device is processed. For example, you can customize trap processing to include tailored messaging, automated alarm clearing, and specialized handling using event rules. These customizations streamline the information presented to operators.

Note: For more information about event customization, see Events and Alarm Customization