How to test Transaction Web Services request (HTTPS / HTTP request) to Riskminder using SOAP UI
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How to test Transaction Web Services request (HTTPS / HTTP request) to Riskminder using SOAP UI


Article ID: 129077


Updated On:


CA Rapid App Security CA Advanced Authentication CA API Gateway


CA Risk Authentication exposes Transaction Web Service call (RiskEvaluate) on Port 7778. This document provides instructions to send a CA Risk Authentication's RiskEvaluate Web Service call to Rikminder. Note SOAP UI utility that is publicly available has been chosen to demonstrate the Web Service call over HTTP (TCP) and HTTPS (SSL).

Customers may use the Web Services (Transaction Web Services) calls that are exposed by CA Strong Authentication Port 9744) and CA Risk Authentication (Port 7778) over TCP (HTTP) or SSL (HTTPS). 

Web Service Defintion Language (WSDL) folder provided in <ARCOT_HOME>\wsdls directory provides Transaction Web Services to the following components. 

1. UDS
3.  Webfort
4. Riskfort

Customers can view and execute the Web Service requests  calls to the four components listed above.




CA Risk authentication and CA Strong Authentication server.


***** Note SOAP UI has been used to demonstrate the CA Risk authentication RiskEvaluate Web Services call. You may choose any tool to send such a request to CA Advanced Authentication Servers ********

1. Download a version of SOAP UI  (free versions are publicly available)

2. Launch the SOAP UI program
     a.  Create a new SOAP project by right clicking on "Projects" and selecting "New SOAP Project"
     b.  Provide a name for your "New Soap Project". The name used here is "EvaluateRiskRequestToRiskminder"
     c. If on a system where CA Risk Authentication is installed then there will be "wsdl" folder at <ARCPT_HOME> (as shown below)
      d. Select by clicking on "riskfort" and then click on "Open".

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2. On the screen below select the applicable WSDL file "ArcotRiskFortEvaluateRiskService.wsdl" and the click on "Open".

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3. Click OK one screen below. 

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4.  Observe on the left pane the listed Web Services that are exposed. Note evaluateRisk is one such Web Service that is exposed. The "Request1" when clicked 1 provides a Request Template. Note many of the parameters are "Optional". Next screenshot in bullet #5 below shows a example Request with minimal attributes.

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5. An example Request is shown in the next screen shot. Note this is HTTP (Non-SSL / TCP) request. Note the response shows "The Operation was successful".

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6. Note if SSL is not configured for port 7778. No response is received and the right pane is blank.

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8. Ensure SSL protocol is configured using a valid certificate that is applied via the Master admin Console. A restart of the CA Risk Authentication Instance is recommended.

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9. Post restart check for the following footprints in arcotriskfortstartup.log to ensure SSL has been configured for port 7778.

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10. Post enabling SSL on port 7778, note the evaluateRisk Web Service call succeeds.

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Additional Information

Use the same approach for testing Web Services calls to CA Strong Authentication with respect to Port 9744. In this case use the arcotwebfortstartup.log to ensure that SSL is correctly configured.

1. Enable SSL on port 9744 using Master admin console. Then restart of CA Strong Authentication service. 


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2. Verify that the SSL is turned on Port 9744 using arcotwebfortstartup.log as shown below.

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