XOG Documents in to SaaS - import a folder with many documents as an attachment to a Project in a SaaS environment of CA Clarity PPM.
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XOG Documents in to SaaS - import a folder with many documents as an attachment to a Project in a SaaS environment of CA Clarity PPM.


Article ID: 129055


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Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


We need to import a folder with many documents as an attachment to a Project in a SaaS environment of CA Clarity PPM. 


Component: ODCOL


To XOG in documents is a difficult task, and you will need to understand the PPM document structure to do this correctly. 

Please XOG out existing documents in collaboration using a XOG input file with the format noted below.

You'll need to add at least one document to the project from the UI that you want to XOG your docs into and then XOG that document out to get the folder structure in the output file. 

The documentLocation of the documents being Xogged in or out must be on the app server. 

You use Clarity SaaS environment, so you need to use SFTP directory to share the data between PPM and USER. 

$clarity/XXXXXX/sftp/Development means your Development directory in your SFTP server. 

XXXXX above is your environment's clarity OLTP DB schema name.

---- XOG out sample --- 
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<NikuDataBus xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../xsd/nikuxog_read.xsd"> 
<Header version="7.5" action="read" objectType="document" externalSource="NIKU"> 
<args name="documentLocation" value="/fs0/clarity1/share/home/XXXXXX/sftp/Development" /> 
<Filter name="parentObjectID" criteria="EQUALS">xxxxxxx</Filter> -- your project id 
<Filter name="parentObjectType" criteria="EQUALS">Projects</Filter> 

After you XOG out your sample document, you will see some additional directory under Development directory like as below. 

Document will be placed in mmm directory by XOG out. Please also check version id in output XOG. 

SFTP server. 
-- Development 
------ Files 
-------- nnn 
---------- mmm 

<Version id structure> 
nnn : 4-6 digits of version id 
mmm: 7-9 digits of version id 

ex) for case of version id=5013618. Usually version id =5xxxyyy (7digits) 
File path …\Files\013\005\5013618 
File name 5013618 
nnn = 013 
mmm is 5. 0 padding and mmm is 005 

Note the documentLocation value in the output file. Use that value for the same parameter in your documents_write file to route the documents to the correction location.