How does CDM calculate Memory Usage in Solaris?
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How does CDM calculate Memory Usage in Solaris?


Article ID: 129017


Updated On: 10-18-2023


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


This article describes how Memory usage is calculated on Solaris box

How does CDM calculate QOS_PHYSICAL_MEMORY_PERC in Solaris?


Component: UIMCDM


To calculate Physical Memory Usage (“QOS_PHYSICAL_MEMORY_PERC”) on Solaris the probe does not use any tool or utility ( "prstat -Z") but it uses APIs to get the physical memory information.

Get the total physical memory:

Phys Mem Pages = sysconf(_SC_PHYS_PAGES) 

Total Physical Memory = multiplied by the Page Size * number of Mem Pages 

Get physical available memory information:

Phys Avail Mem Pages = sysconf(_SC_AVPHYS_PAGES); 

Availabe Physical Memory = multiplied by the Page Size * number of Phys Avail Mem Pages 

Get physical memory usage information:

Physical Memory Used = Total Physical Memory - Availabe Physical Memory 

QOS_MEMORY_PHYSICAL (Physical Memory Used) = Physical Memory Used – Data Buffer and Cache 


Get physical memory usage percentage information:

QOS_MEMORY_PHYSICAL_PERC (Physical Memory Used %) = (Physical Memory Used/Total Physical Memory) * 100 



Buffers and Cached memory (zfs for global and local zone) are counted as free unless the customer sets mem_buffer_used=yes 

If set for mem_buffer_used=no 
Formula: Used Physical - ( ZFS File Data + Exec and libs + Page cache)

Free (cachelist) is not included in formula due fixed issue CDM probe (on Solaris) reporting negative memory values))

So the QOS_MEMORY_PHYSICAL metric, by default, excludes the buffer and cache.

Feb 6 13:19:10:413 [0001] cdm: (GetMemoryInfo) - swap element 0: 17039360 pages (133120 MB), 15421011 free (120476 MB) 

Feb 6 13:19:10:413 [0001] cdm: (GetMemoryInfo) - before excluding zfs cache and buffers: Total Physical: 131072 Used Physical: 115731 

Feb 6 13:19:10:429 [0001] cdm: (get_zone_is_global) value - 0 

Feb 6 13:19:10:430 [0001] cdm: (data_buffer) Collection ZFS cache on Local zone 

Feb 6 13:19:10:430 [0001] cdm: is zone brand kz ? 0 

Feb 6 13:19:10:430 [0001] cdm: (GetMemoryInfo) - after excluding zfs cache and buffers: Total Physical: 131072 Used Physical: 115731 

Feb 6 13:19:10:430 [0001] cdm: (GetMemoryInfo) - Total: 264192 Physical: 131072 Swap: 133120 

Feb 6 13:19:10:430 [0001] cdm: (GetMemoryInfo) - Used : 128375 Physical: 115731 Swap: 12644 


Other Memory usage information: 

- Swap usage is found using the system call swapctl(). 

- Paging data is found by running either “/usr/bin/vmstat –s” or “/usr/5bin/vmstat –s” (depending on which is installed on the system) and parsing the data it provides. 

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