Seeing SARSTC99 messages generated by the CA View STC
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Seeing SARSTC99 messages generated by the CA View STC


Article ID: 128967


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Deliver View


We are constantly seeing SARSTC99 messages in CA View STC and on the console that show jobs receiving a variety of different non-zero return codes.

Do these SARSTC99 messages indicate some kind of problem with CA View? Or, are they more of an informational message regarding the applications being processed by CA View?  




The SARSTC99 messages are informational messages issued by CA View letting you know that an EXCEPTION CONDITION occurred for a job who's output is being being processed by the SARSTC. 

- In other words, the "application job" shown in the SARSTC99 message received a non-zero return code. And CA View is just letting you know via the SARSTC99 message. 

When CA View encounters an exceptional condition and a routing code other than zero is specified (as the View initialization parameter ROUT defines), SARSTC99 operator messages are produced for each exceptional condition. You can delete these operator messages from the operator console by entering the following operator command: 

Syntax: /F SARSTC,DOM 

- The SARSTC99 messages are governed by the rules coded in the Exception Code Table (SARXCTAB) referenced on your SARSTC's "//SARXCTAB DD" statement. 

- The SARINIT parameters related to issuing of the SARSTC99 message are as follows:
This parameter specifies the descriptor code used for exceptional condition messages (message ID SARSTC99). 
Syntax: DESC=nn 
The default value is 2. 
The default value highlights the messages and prevents them from rolling off a console in roll-delete mode. A value of 7 allows the messages to roll off and be deleted. 
Valid values are 0-16. Specify a route code of up to 16 for the WTO that issues the messages. A route code of 0 suppresses the messages. 
This parameter specifies the route code to be used for routing exceptional condition messages (message ID SARSTC99). The text for the exceptional condition message is extracted during the exceptional condition checking process or produced by the SARSTCUX user exit. 
Syntax: ROUT=nn 
The default is 0. 
Valid values are 0-16. Specify a route code of up to 16 for the WTO that issues the messages. A route code of 0 suppresses the messages. 

Additional Information

For more information on WTO - Write to operator functions, please refer to the appropriate IBM documentation:

MVSz/OS - MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference - Write to operator