How much capture storage does CA Deliver require for a job's reports?
CA Deliver intercepts the OPENs issued for sysout data sets that it is to capture.
The output data set remains open until the application closes it, and then the Deliver code does the close processing on the sysout that was captured.
The Deliver capture storage use depends on the report definitions, as storage is freed when a report is closed.
If there are many, concurrently processed report definitions, it is possible that above-the-line region can be exhausted.
Deliver RMOPARM SARBUFCT (default is SARBUFCT=10) will affect the amount of storage needed for STACK reports. STACK reports are dynamic in nature due to the report definitions selection criteria and the report data itself.
If storage is exceeded, the alternatives are:
. Change from REUS=Y to REUS=N, as no sort option has to be specified with use of REUS=N.
. Post-spool process reports (RMOPARMS NETCLSL/NETDEST/NETFORM) instead of pre-spool (RMOPARMS JOBCLSL and SYSCLSL).