ACF2 Checking of rulekey percent utilized
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ACF2 Checking of rulekey percent utilized


Article ID: 128925


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ACF2 ACF2 - DB2 Option ACF2 for zVM ACF2 - z/OS ACF2 - MISC


Any of the reports provided by ACF2 is able to output the list of keys that are above a certain size and percent utilized? 


Component: ACF2MS


There are two REXX EXECs in the CA ACF2 CAIEXEC data set that can be used to report on rule size and percent utilization of resource and access rules and sort them from largest to smallest. 
The REXX EXEC ACFRSCSZ can be used for resource rules and REXX EXEC ACFDSNSZ can be used for access rules. 

The two REXX EXECs can write to an output to a dataset as follows. 

Sample ACFDSNSZ and ACFRSCSZ executions for Dataset to write report. 

ACFDSNSZ for Dataset Access Rules. 

** TSO PREFIX will be added to dataset name 


===> ACFDSNSZ dataset.out 

CA ACF2 for z/OS Access Rule Size Processor 
Processing access rules - X 
Writing report to: 'USER001.DATASET.OUT' 
Processed 1612 lines. 
Rules found = 806 
Wrote control records to $ORTPARM 
Wrote control records to SYSIN 
Report written to: 'USER001.DATASET.OUT' 


ACFRSCSZ for Resource Rules. 

** TSO PREFIX will be added to dataset name 


===> ACFRSCSZ saf outdsn(resource.out) 

CA ACF2 for z/OS Resource Rule Size Processor 
Processing resource(SAF) rules 
Writing report to: 'USER001.RESOURCE.OUT' 
Processed 173 lines. 
Rules found = 29 
Wrote control records to $ORTPARM 
Wrote control records to SYSIN 
Report written to: 'USER001.RESOURCE.OUT'