JCLCheck message CAY6077E on UNIT=DISK and UNIT=3390
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JCLCheck message CAY6077E on UNIT=DISK and UNIT=3390


Article ID: 128878


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JCLCheck Workload Automation


Sample DD statement: 
//DATA1   DD  DSN=data.set.name,UNIT=3390,DISP=(,CATLG),  
//    SPACE=(CYL,(200,25),RLSE) 

JCLCheck returns error message:
CAY6077E NO "3390" UNITS ARE AVAILABLE FOR "data set name"

Same error is issued when UNIT=DISK is used. 
CA Allocate is enabled. 



JCLCheck release 12.0
Allocate DASD Space and Placement MVS any release


Allocate does not participate in the JCLCheck allocation simulation because there is no interface between the two products.  
JCLCheck issues allocation errors but the job actually runs fine because Allocate changes the allocation request on the fly.


  •  Reduce the severity level of message CAY6077 to a Warning or Informational
  •  Suppress message CAY6077.

Additional Information

- JCLCheck Message Control Option to change severity levels for messages:     JCLCheck Message Control Option to change severity levels for messages

- Modify JCLCheck error message severity level using a REXX exec:  Modify JCLCheck error message severity level using the REXX interface