Why does message TRAC218E - IEFxxxxx NOT DEFINED IN DYNAMIC EXITS occur when Jobtrac attempts to initialize
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Why does message TRAC218E - IEFxxxxx NOT DEFINED IN DYNAMIC EXITS occur when Jobtrac attempts to initialize


Article ID: 128596


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Why does message TRAC218E - IEFxxxxx NOT DEFINED IN DYNAMIC EXITS occur when Jobtrac attempts to initialize?


Component: JOBTRC


Message TRAC218E - IEFxxxxx NOT DEFINED IN DYNAMIC EXITS indicates the SMF exit identifed
was not found in the exits managed  by CSVDYNEX.  You can issue D SMF,O command and verify 
which SMF exits are present.  SMF exits IEFUJV and IEFU83 must be active.  Make sure exits
IEFUJV and IEFU83 are set up in your system. You can use an IEFBR14 dummy exit for any exit 
not already in your system. The sample member LINKSMF in the SAMPJCL library shows how to set
up a dummy exit.  Also make sure exits IEFUJV and IEFU83 are included in LPALIB. Exit IEFUJV 
must be in LPALIB to ensure proper Jobtrac  operation. 

For more information, see the customizing SYS1.PARMLIB member SMFPRMxx information in 
Chapter 6, “Customization Tasks” in the Jobtrac Planning and Implementation Guide.  

As always, please contact Broadcom support for Jobtrac Job Management if you have further questions.