Web Viewer 11.5 History List of Applied PTFs
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Web Viewer 11.5 History List of Applied PTFs


Article ID: 128572


Updated On:


Output Management Web Viewer


How to find a list applied PTF's and APARs that have been installed for our 11.5 release of OMWV?


Release: 11.5-Output Management-Web Viewer
Component: DVWEB


Web Viewer 11.5 has a history file that is a record of all the maintenance that was applied. APPLYPTF writes to the history file. The history file from the OMWV server is usually found in the folder: C:\Program Files\CA\UnicenterOutputManagementWebViewer and will be called by the machine name for the server with a .HIS extension.

When you scroll to the bottom, you will see the last PTF applied. If it is RO97315 , that is RO97315 R11.5 SP00 LEVEL SET #4 and is cumulative.

There are only two fixes above the levelset.