How do I implement online base calendars in CA7?
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How do I implement online base calendars in CA7?


Article ID: 12833


Updated On:


CA 7 Workload Automation


How do I enable the DB.2.8 Base Calendar build feature in CA 7?


Release: 12.0, 12.1


To enable the online calendar feature in CA 7:

  • Create a PDS dataset with RECFM=FB, LRECL=80, ie.  your.calendar.pds
  • Add the CALENDAR,DSN=your.calendar.pds  statement to the initialization deck


If you want to start using the DB.2.8 (CALMOD) online method for existing calendars;

  • Create a PDS dataset with RECFM=FB, LRECL=80, ie.  your.calendar.pds
  • Add the CALENDAR,DSN=your.calendar.pds  statement to the initialization deck
  • Verify that the initialization deck has CALBLK=SCALyyxx for the calendars that you want copied to the calendar pds
  • Restart CA 7
  • Check the CA 7 stc log will receive message CA-7.ILCA - SCALyyxx NOW ON CALENDAR LIBRARY
    • Once the calendars are copied, you can remove the CALBLK statements from the INIT deck

New calendars can now be built directly from the DB.2.8 panel.