What order to perform Post Install customization tasks for Report Facility (PRF).
Instructions for Report Facility Post-Installation Processing customization tasks order:
After you have selected option 3 Tasks - Execute DB2 catalog customization tasks for a DB2 subsystem execute the following
common install (INS) and Report Facilty (PRF) tasks in the following order:
1) INS Compare DB2 objects (generate job ssid0000)
Execute this task: a) every time you install into a Db2 subsystem, b) if you are applying SMP/E maintenance and new or updated Db2 objects exist, or
c) if you are upgrading to a new Db2 version. For c), you must update the Db2 subsystem version and mode in the SETUPxx parmlib member
before you execute this task.
2) INS Create required DB2 objects (generated job ssid0001)
Execute this task: a) every time you install into a Db2 subsystem, b) if you are applying SMP/E maintenance and new or updated Db2 objects exist, or
c) if you are upgrading to a new Db2 version. For c), you must update the Db2 subsystem version and mode in the SETUPxx parmlib member
before you execute this task.
3) INS Bind product packages and plans (generated job ssid0002)
Execute this task: a) every time you install into a Db2 subsystem or implement a new PLANSxx member, b) if you are applying SMP/E maintenance and
new or updated Db2 objects exist, or c) if you are upgrading to a new Db2 version. For c), you must update the Db2 subsystem version and mode
in the SETUPxx parmlib member before you execute this task.
4) PRF PRF Table Initialization Utility (generated job ssid0851)