CA Top Secret Installation Exit TSSINSTX PREINIT password structure.
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CA Top Secret Installation Exit TSSINSTX PREINIT password structure.


Article ID: 12784


Updated On:


Top Secret Top Secret - LDAP


The TSS Installation Exit at exit point PREINIT receives the address of a password data structure and of a password phrase data structure.

In the case of the password phrase data structure, the documentation indicates that if no password phrase was provided, then the address of the password phrase data structure will be zero (0).

There is no such statement provided in respect to the password data structure.

If a password phrase is utilized, will there still be a password data structure, or will TXAIPASS be set to zero (0)?

If a new password is NOT provided, will the field at offset 128 contain spaces or binary zeros?


Release: TOPSEC00200-15-Top Secret-Security


Even when a password phrase is entered, the TXAIPASS will be set with the address of the password field, and the password field should contain blanks. 

If a new password is not provided, the field at offset 128 into TXAIPASS should contain binary zeros.