In CA Deliver, how can I suppress Banner Pages
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In CA Deliver, how can I suppress Banner Pages


Article ID: 12775


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Deliver View


CA Deliver many reports are set-up to automatically print to some remote offices.  The remotes are telling us there are 2 Banners in the front and 1 end Banner for each report.  We would like only 1 from Banner and no end Banner.

Is there a way a user can disable their Deliver Banners? 


Component: DLVR


 In CA Deliver Banners for unbundled reports are controlled by the Banner field on the Report Definition panel.  If Banner field is blank, the banner will be taken from the RMOPARMS Banner= field. To suppress the Banner put an '*' in the Banner field.


Banners for bundled reports are controlled by the 3 banner fields on the Bundle Definition panel.  

The fields represent:

Bundle Banner

Distribution Banner 

Report Banner

Put an * in any of these 3 fields, to suppress the banner.