The SHOW DDSN in CA ACF2 lists all of ACF2 database data sets.
What is the equivalent CA Top Secret command to list all of the CA Top Secret database datasets?
Currently CA Top Secret does not have an equivalent of the ACF2 SHOW DDSN command. To find the CA Top Secret datasets, look at the following DD statements in the startup proc that starts CA Top Secret. If the DD statement is not there, that file is not in use.
DD name Description
SECFILE – primary security file (BDAM)
BACKUP - backup security file (BDAM)
RECFILE – recovery file
AUDIT – first audit file
AUDIT2 – second audit file
RCACHE - RCACHE VSAM Cluster (Optional) – used for R_cacheserv hardening for USS
CPFFILE – CPF recovery file
VSAMFILE – primary security file (VSAM)
VSAMAIX – VSAM AIX file (if sharing security file)
VSMPATH - VSAM PATH file (if sharing security file)
VSAMBKUP - backup security file (VSAM)
SECMIRR – mirrored primary security file BDAM (if using this feature)
VSAMIRR - mirrored backup security file BDAM (if using this feature)
PARMFILE – TSS parameter file
AUTOCMDS – TSS auto commands file (used first time TSS starts at IPL time to start other applications)