How to COPY ISPF Packed Data in batch mode ?
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How to COPY ISPF Packed Data in batch mode ?


Article ID: 12700


Updated On:


File Master Plus for IMS File Master Plus for DB2 for z/OS


I'm trying to issue a File Master Plus MVS COPY in batch using ISPF file containing packed data ,
PDS member file or Sequential file , and getting the following message:

PDS File *** CAWA2114W DDNAME SYSUT1+0 points to an ISPF packed file which is not supported
SEQ File *** CAWA2114W DDNAME SYSUT1+0 points to an ISPF packed file which is not supported

How to resolve this?

CA-Filemaster Plus MVS don't support ISPF Packed Data , (PDS Member and Sequential file) since the 8.5 Version.




As Workaround:

Use ISPF command PACK OFF for SYSUT1 PDS member or Sequantial File ,
before File Master Plus COPY in batch ,
and ISPF command PACK ON for SYSUT1O PDS member or Sequantial File
after File Master Plus COPY in batch.

Additional Information

Using File Master Plus COPY Packed Data in batch , the following messages are produced :
*** CAWA2114W DDNAME SYSUT1+0 points to an ISPF packed file which is not supported
*** CAWA2101I DDNAME SYSUT1O records written: 0
*** CAWA2550I COPY completed RC set to 4 High RC = 4
CAWA2000I Utility ending, Max CC=4