If the CA Datacom Multi-User (MUF) is not up when the CICS region comes up, is there a way to trigger building the IDEAL in-core load module table without cycling the CICS region?
Yes. The IDEAL Load Module Table (LMT) that is built in CICS does require the MUF and Datacom Dictionary access. Once Data Dictionary is open, the LMT table will be triggered by the first RUN statement, if it was not invoked via PLT.
Ideal command DIS LMT will display the modules loaded.
Refer to TEC1400096 "How does an in-house CICS Transaction ID connect up with the corresponding CA IDEAL application program ?"
Refer to CA Datacom® Tools - 15.0 section "DISPLAY LMT Command"
The DISPLAY LMT command displays the content of the Load Module Table, which may be a composite of entries loaded from Application Module Tables, and entries retrieved from the dictionary.
The entire table is displayed, regardless of the currently selected [IDEAL] system. The entries are shown in the order they are found in the table, and are not sorted. If entries have been added by use of the REFRESH command, they will have been added at the end. See the FIND and INCLUDE commands in Section 3 for help in locating individual entries.