Why are my routers in a RebootRefresh poll state and what does that mean? Flows have stopped from routers that can't be SNMP polled.
NFA All Versions
When NFA detects that a router has rebooted, it will be placed into a state of RebootRefresh until it can be SNMP polled.
When its in this state all flows are dropped until a successful polling takes place.
This is done to ensure that after a router reboot, the ifindex values have not shifted, and thus causing data to be mapped to a wrong interface.
Usually the process of polling the device will happen quickly and the device will return to a Mapped poll state, and data will start being collected again, and you will not even notice much of a gap in data.
In some cases when there is an issue with SNMP polling a specific device, the device may stay in RebootRefresh and data will not be collected.
In order to get data flowing again, you will need to troubleshoot why SNMP polling is failing.
In the old "Flash" GUI, you can manually force the SNMP polling by going to the Admin->Enable Interfaces screen and clicking the binoculars icon for each device, then click the circular arrow for a refresh.
In the new non-Flash GUI (on the Netops Portal), you can manually perform an SNMP poll by going to the Portal and selecting Administration->Data Sources->Network Flow Analysis, then selecting your router under "Devices", then clicking the "SNMP Refresh" button. (You may need to click the "..." button and select "More Actions" to see this)
If polling fails, some common causes of SNMP polling failure and troubleshooting steps are:
If you ran the CA RemoteEngineer, it will provide you with a text file with a list of devices in this state.
In NFA 9.3.3 and earlier the file name is poller_routers_State_RebootRefresh.txt
In NFA 9.3.6 and later the file name will be HVST_routers_State_RebootRefresh.txt