Report Facility batch job not selecting rows for my replaceable parameter value when it selects rows online
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Report Facility batch job not selecting rows for my replaceable parameter value when it selects rows online


Article ID: 12586


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Report Facility


Report Facility (PRF) batch job not selecting rows for my replaceable parameter value when it selects rows online.


When quotations are placed around a value on the 'QUERY REPLACEABLE PARM VALUES' online screen, PRF automatically places double quotes around
the value in Batch mode when either (1) the form is submitted, or (2) JCL is sent to a dataset. However, if you choose to update existing JCL,
you must add double quotes around your replaceable parm values yourself. For example:

1) If your replaceable parm values screen looks like so:

RPPR.04  r18.0    ------  QUERY  REPLACEABLE PARM VALUES -------   01/09 14:24

COMMAND==>                                                       xxxxxxx.xxxxx

     PARM     Value of Replaceable Parm                                       

  1. USERID   'xxxxxxx'                                                       

  2. ID       10       

 2) Your Batch job replaceable parameter values should look like this. Notice the double quotes that appear around the USERID ('CERRI01') value:

RUN FORM  xxxxxxx.xxxxx               (ROWLIMIT=00000000 SYSPRTDD=01 &&&

&&&&&USERID="'xxxxxx'" &&&&&&&&ID=10);