Spectrum database backups are growing in size due to ssmodelAttrs file
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Spectrum database backups are growing in size due to ssmodelAttrs file


Article ID: 125454


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


We have noticed that the SSdb backup files have grown in size over the last few months.  The save files have increased from 750 MB to 1.5 GB zipped and 3 GB unzipped.  When looking into what is taking all of the space, the $SPECROOT/SS/ssModelAttrs.db file is taking all of the space.


Component: SPCOCK


The NCM automatic capture destruction is not working.

In the Content window of the Configuration Manager, the following options are available under the Configuration History section:

These settings work the first time they are selected but do not work after.


This will be fixed in 10.3.2 once released.  

In the meantime, to workaround the issue, please do ONE of the following:

1.  Decrease the number of "Maximum Stored Configurations Per Device"
2.  Decrease the number of "Maximum Days Host Configuration Stored"
3.  Change your selection from "Maximum Stored Configurations Per Device" to "Maximum Days Host Configuration Stored" or vice versa.

Doing one of the above 3 options will trigger the automatic destruction of the old NCM capture models.

Once that is done, the SS db needs to be saved, then initialized and reloaded to reclaim the space.

Additional Information

Before saving, initializing, and reloading the SSdb, you may also want to check the number of old Autodiscovery results that you have.  Scheduled discoveries save the results as models which also contributes to the size of the ssModelAttrs.db file.  

1.  In the Locater view, create a new search for Model Type Name Equal To AdiscResultSet
2.  In the Restults, make sure the "Creation Time" column is showing.
3.  Delete the older AdiscResulSet models.
4.  Save the SSdb, intiailize, and reload it.

Further info is available here:



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