Vantage WebUI using browser refresh makes host connexion to be lost
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Vantage WebUI using browser refresh makes host connexion to be lost


Article ID: 12534


Updated On:


Vantage Storage Resource Manager


When I use the refresh button on Chrome, I loose the host connexion with Vantage. Why?


z/OS and Windows browser


The disconnect after reload of a tab is how WebUI behaves. 

When browser refresh button is used in WebUI a new connection is established and user need to reenter credentials. 

This is due to security reasons as we are not storing user ID and password in browser cookies.

Customer can use refresh button defined for the session but not browser refresh button.


Notice the following:

Depending on the browser used the message issued is not the same. 

With CHROME, you get: 

Do you want to RELOAD this site? Options are RELOAD or NOT RELOAD 

With IE, you get: 

Are you sure you want to leave this page? Options: STAY or LEAVE 

With FIREFOX, you get: 

The page is asking you to confirm that you want to leave - data you have entered may not be saved. Options are LEAVE page or STAY on page 


So as you can see CHROME is introducing the doubt and it is better to use IE or FIREFOX to avoid LOGOFF from WebUI.

Additional Information

As usual, if you have any questions, please contact CA Vantage support