UIM - Unable to start cabi probe for CABI installation
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UIM - Unable to start cabi probe for CABI installation


Article ID: 125213


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


Installed cabi probe on the robot for CABI installation . However, the cabi probe keeps failing to start.

Can see the below errors in the cabi logs

Jan 22 23:06:41:252 [main, cabi] changing probe state from 'INSTALLING_CABI' to 'STARTING_WASP'
Jan 22 23:06:41:252 [main, cabi] activating wasp...
Jan 22 23:06:41:252 [main, cabi] waiting for wasp to start...
Jan 22 23:07:26:268 [main, cabi] wasp has started  [time taken=0 minute(s) 45 second(s) (45016 ms)]
Jan 22 23:07:26:268 [main, cabi] getting wasp port ...
Jan 22 23:07:26:268 [main, cabi] waiting for cabi webapp @ http://xxx.xx.xx.xx:80/cabijs to start responding ... 
Jan 22 23:17:28:255 [main, cabi] java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: cabi webapp at 'http://xxx.xx.xx.xx:80/cabijs' failed to start in 10 minutes
    at com.ca.cabi4uim.utilities.ProbeUtils.waitForWaspAndWebappToStartupCompletely(ProbeUtils.java:1541)
    at com.ca.cabi4uim.Probe.makeSureCabijsWebappIsUp(Probe.java:413)
    at com.ca.cabi4uim.Probe.createRestUser(Probe.java:550)
    at com.ca.cabi4uim.Probe.setupCabiInBundledMode(Probe.java:354)
    at com.ca.cabi4uim.Probe.setupcabi(Probe.java:281)
    at com.ca.cabi4uim.Probe.initOnTimer(Probe.java:620)
    at com.nimsoft.nimbus.NimProbe.doForever(NimProbe.java:418)
    at com.ca.cabi4uim.Probe.run(Probe.java:805)
    at com.ca.cabi4uim.Probe.main(Probe.java:111)
Jan 22 23:17:29:649 [5040] Controller: Probe 'cabi' (command = <startup java>) returns no-restart code (42)


UIM 8.51 and later versions
cabi 3.2 and later versions
Bundled cabi install


In this scenario default port 80 was used for cabi which is specified as http_port in wasp 
  • Deactivate wasp and cabi probe and check if port 80 ( or whatever port specified ) is free using netstat 
  •  In this case port 80 was being used by some other OS application for example iis even though wasp probe got active as seen in Infrastructure Manage with port and pid.          
  •  Free up the port and follow the cabi procedure to reinstall again which should be successful now.

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