At IPL Time some Started Tasks start with userid *BYPASS*?
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At IPL Time some Started Tasks start with userid *BYPASS*?


Article ID: 12502


Updated On:


Top Secret Top Secret - LDAP



The security ADMIN person was not sure why *BYPASS" was being assigned to the task.



There are a handful of other started tasks that are issuing the same message during startup (APPC, BLSJPRMI, ASCH, DLF, GSSA, EPWFFST, VLF and LLA).




How to inform the security ADMIN as to why it's happening for these tasks and what action should be done if required to assign a proper userid for these tasks? 





Normaly, all these STCs should be defined within the CA Top Secret STC record.

If they start before CA Top Secret, then they will run with ACID *BYPASS* or +xxxxx (e.g. for LLA, +LLA, for VLF, +VLF and this is the case for all system adress space). 

When they are defined in the STC record and start before CA Top Secret, they still run with acid *BYPASS* or +XXX and they get signed on the first security call done for the STC. 

E.g. LLA should start with acid +LLA and then on the first F LLA,REFRESH it gets signed on by CA Top Secret using the acid defined in the STC record for it.

Additional Information


To have more details about how to maintain the STC record go to link: