CA 7 Web Client Logon Error Message ECN70023 With Invalid Username And Password
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CA 7 Web Client Logon Error Message ECN70023 With Invalid Username And Password


Article ID: 12494


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CA 7 Workload Automation


Why do I get the following logon failure messages when trying to access the CA 7 Web Client even though my username and password are correct?

ECN70023: Login failed. 

Code: 2. 

Reason: Username and/or Password information is not validL. 



CA 7 Web Client


In the CA7SRVR task, we have a MIXPW option which indicates whether mixed-case passwords are supported. Possible values are YES and NO. If this keyword is not provided, the default is YES.

If MIXPW=YES, the password used when a CA7SRVR session is initiated is case-sensitive when security is checked.

If MIXPW=NO, the password used when a CA7SRVR session is initiated is upper-cased before security is checked.  

Another reason for this error could be that your username does not have access to the CA7SRVR.ACCESS resource within your security product.

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