Display dynamic extents allocated, dynamic pages available and additional extents that can be allocated
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Display dynamic extents allocated, dynamic pages available and additional extents that can be allocated


Article ID: 12480


Updated On: 02-14-2018




We're looking for a command that will display dynamic extents allocated, dynamic pages available and additional extents that can be allocated.

Does VM:Operator provide anything like this?


Release: VMOPER55400-3.1-VM:Operator


Yes, QSTORE.  

The QSTORE subcommand displays messages indicating the following information:   QSTORE

  • The number of allocated dynamic extents
  • The number of available dynamic pages
  • The number of additional dynamic extents that you can allocate
  • The CMS storage available above and below the line.



Additional Information

QSTORE produces two messages:  VMYQST0117I and VMYQST0118I: 

  • VMYQST0117I
    The message indicates the total number of allocated dynamic pages. Initially this number is 512 pages (the initial 512 page allocation). When these pages are used, another 512 pages are allocated. This allocation requires an available 2-megabyte chunk of contiguous unallocated storage. This value only goes up because these extents of memory are not returned until CA VM:Operatorâ„¢ terminates.
  • VMYQST0118I
    The message reports the number of additional extents of dynamic storage that can be allocated. The message also reports on how much CMS storage is available above and below the line.



The following example shows messages that the QSTORE command can return:

VMYQST0117I A total of 393 free pages are left from 1 dynamic extent allocations.

VMYQST0118I There is a total of 14224K bytes unallocated (largest is 14152K) below the 16M line.

VMYQST0118I There is a total of 40K bytes unallocated (largest is 40K) unallocated above the 16M line.

VMYINI0006I 0.000 Ready;