We're looking for a command that will display dynamic extents allocated, dynamic pages available and additional extents that can be allocated.
Does VM:Operator provide anything like this?
The QSTORE subcommand displays messages indicating the following information: QSTORE
QSTORE produces two messages: VMYQST0117I and VMYQST0118I:
The following example shows messages that the QSTORE command can return:
VMYQST0117I A total of 393 free pages are left from 1 dynamic extent allocations.
VMYQST0118I There is a total of 14224K bytes unallocated (largest is 14152K) below the 16M line.
VMYQST0118I There is a total of 40K bytes unallocated (largest is 40K) unallocated above the 16M line.
VMYINI0006I 0.000 Ready;