I am running the J01160SP job CEMEUSS(THIS JOB WILL PERFORM SOME TASKS TO SETUP THE USS FILES USED BY CEM.) and getting RC 256 in the ELINK step with 'EDC5129I No such file or directory.' messages, what is the cause?
'EDC5129I No such file or directory' Errors :
FSUM6245 link to target "/u/CMGR/install/cai/cacem/ldap/libcci.so" failed: EDC5129I No such file or directory.
cd: /u/CMGR/install/cai/cacem/tomcat/conf: EDC5129I No such file or directory.
cd: /u/CMGR/install/cai/cacem/tomcat/conf: EDC5129I No such file or directory.
The 'EDC5129I No such file or directory' errors in the J01160SP job CEMEUSS can be caused by incorrect product USS installation path settings or the ZFS file system created for the CEVM installation is not mounted. Verify the following.
1. Check the UNZIPJCL CAUNZIP job to verify the SiteInstallUSSpath/cai/cacem/ldap and SiteInstallUSSpath/cai/cacem/tomcat/conf directories that are created to insure that the 'SiteInstallUSSpath' matches the ..CONFIG.DATA SET CEM_USSPATH= varaible.
The UNZIPJCL job is used to create z/OS data sets from the files in the product-specific directory using the SMP/E GIMUNZIP utility.
The file UNZIPJCL in the product directory contains a sample job to GIMUNZIP the installation package. You edit and submit the UNZIPJCL job to create z/OS data sets. The UNZIPJCL job comments describe the Change commands to specify the <INSPATH>:
//* - Change <INSPATH>
//* to the USS directory path where the USS files for
//* Compliance Event Manager, LDAP and Datacom will be copied.
//* This must be an existing path.
//* Specify the entire path except for the trailing "/" .
//* Modify and issue the following FIND and CHANGE commands:
This <INSPATH> value is the same value that should be specified for the ..CONFIG.DATA 'SET CEM_USSPATH=' varaible:
//* Name = CEM_USSPATH
//* Desc = The path to the USS directories created during the
//* installation of CA Compliance Event Manager.
//* This must be the same value that was specified for
//* 'cem_usspath' in the UNZIPJCL job.
//* maxLength = 45
// SET CEM_USSPATH='/u/CEVM/installation/directory'
2. Verify that the ZFS file system that was created for the CEVM installation and populated by the UNZIPJCL CAUNZIP job is mounted before running the J01160SP job CEMEUSS.