After installation of maintenance to Sysview for Db2 filtering is not working on the Thread History panel
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After installation of maintenance to Sysview for Db2 filtering is not working on the Thread History panel


Article ID: 12464


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SYSVIEW Performance Management Option for DB2 for z/OS


Applied maintenance to Sysview Performance Management Option for Db2 for z/OS (IDB2) and now none of the filtering criteria
specified on the Thread History panel is working.  What could be the cause?


This specific condition was caused by a mismatch of code level derived from the library allocations in the INSIGHT clist being used.

The problem was corrected by ensuring the INSIGHT clist being executed had the correct allocations for the hlq.CDBALOAD and hlq.CDBAPNL0 libraries,
and that all the library allocations taking place within this clist reflected the newly applied maintenance level of code.  

Once these allocations were correctly referenced, filtering on the Thread History panel worked.