How can I decrypt all the data sets on the CA Disk Archive and Backup Tape volumes?
Tape Encryption
Set up Disk MERGE to read the encrypted tapes and write them non-encrypted to another tape device type.
You can create a listing of all Archived and Backup Tape volumes in use and use the following process:
1) Dump the header to determine if it is an encrypted tape volume.
You can use the IDCAMS IBM utility to print the header label and verify that you have UHL (User Header Label) info which will confirm that the tape is encrypted. You will find in the UHL a BES data class being used and other BES information.
2) Run the MERGE specific to this tape volume
=> it is thus decrypted
=> a new tape volume is created unencrypted
3) Dump the new tape volume header info to verify that it is unencrypted (use the same IDCAMS process to verify this as was used for step 1)
4) Verify that the old encrypted volume is now in the Scratch pool
As usual, if you have any questions, please contact Broadcom Support for assistance.