Vtape Recycle Job Hangs Up With IXG062A Logger Cleanup Message
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Vtape Recycle Job Hangs Up With IXG062A Logger Cleanup Message


Article ID: 12442


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Vtape Virtual Tape System


Our physical recycle job recently started getting hung up with the IXG062A System Logger message. 

This job is generated by a REXX procedure.

Our physical recycle job recently started getting hung up at the very end of the job with the IXG062A System Logger message.  When I reply a "U" to the IXG062A message the Recycle job immediately finishes with no problems. Why?




The customer makes changes to make this working after the RACF modification done the week before on REXX environment: RACF NOPADCHK was activated.

As the RECYCLE job is generated by a REXX, here are the changes done to make all working.

1. Set up separate RACF userid named SVTSDUM for the SVTSDUMP REXX program to run under instead of using same SVTS started task userid that Vtape is using. 

2. Removed RACF NOPADCHK on several REXX related libraries that contained external functions called by this SVTSDUMP REXX program. The functions called related to issuing a console command, writing to the console and started a job from the REXX program. 

3. Restart Vtape to clear it’s memory and give it a fresh start. 

After these changes the SVTSDUMP REXX program then ran successfully with no errors and the Vtape Recycle ran without hanging up with the system logger message. 


You can find more the information in IBM Redbook: ABCs of z/OS System Programming: Volume 9

Program access to data sets


Program access to data sets (PADS) allows an authorized user or group of users to access specified data sets with the user's authority to execute a certain program. That is, some users can access specified data sets at a specified access level only while executing a certain program (and the program access is restricted to controlled programs).

To set up program access to data sets, create a conditional access list for the data set profile protecting the data sets. To do this, specify WHEN(PROGRAM(program-name)) with the ID and ACCESS operands on the PERMIT command. Specifying the WHEN(PROGRAM) operand requires that the user or group specified must be running the specified program to receive the specified access.

PADCHK and NOPADCHK operands

Choosing between the PADCHK and NOPADCHK operands: With the ADDMEM operand of the RDEFINE and RALTER commands, you can also specify PADCHK or NOPADCHK as follows:

NOPADCHK NOPADCHK means that RACF does not perform the program-accessed data checks for the program. The program is loaded and has access to any currently opened program-accessed data sets, even though the user ID/program combination is not in the conditional access list. NOPADCHK allows an installation to define entire libraries of modules (such as the PL/I transient routines or ISPF) as controlled programs without having to give each of these modules explicit access to many program-accessed data sets. Use NOPADCHK if you trust the programs to access only data they should.

PADCHK PADCHK (the default) means that RACF checks for program-accessed data sets that are already open before executing the program. If there are any open program-accessed data sets, RACF ensures, before it allows this program to be loaded, that this user ID/program combination is in the conditional access list of each data set.

Additional Information

As usual, if you need more details or assistance, please contact our CA Vtape support.