MSP bit level installed - steps to determine
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MSP bit level installed - steps to determine


Article ID: 124188


Updated On: 10-13-2023


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


In order for the Clarity Microsoft Project (MSP) Interface to work correctly, the MSP Interface bit level installed must match that of Microsoft Project. How do you know what bit level you have installed in MSP and which version you should download and install from Clarity?


Release: All

Component: ODMSP


To find out the MSP Bit level on the workstation:

  1. Open Microsoft Project
  2. Go to File then Account
  3. Click the About Project button

See below for which MSP Interface version you want to install from PPM in Home->Account Settings->Software Downloads based on your MSP Bit level:

MSP Bit Level CA PPM MSP Interface Bit Level
32 bit x86 version of the MSP Interface
64 bit x64 version of the MSP Interface