Key performance indicators (KPIs) can help customers limit their monitoring to a defined set of the most valuable performance metrics instead of enabling all possible metrics which can end up in generating too much QOS data and/or alarms.
Does UIM (Nimsoft) have a list of key performance indicators (KPIs/metrics) for the xendesktop probe?
Desktop Node Metrics
1. DesktopConditions_ICALatency Indicates high ICA Latency when true
2. ICASessionLatency Milliseconds ICA session latency of the virtual desktop
Note: The default value for QOS is -1 when no monitor type is present in the XenDesktop server.
Broker Session Node Metrics
3. PowerState The current power state of the machine hosting the session.
Possible values are: Unmanaged, Unknown, Unavailable, On, Suspended, TurningOn, TurningOff, Suspending and Resuming.
4. SessionState Enumeration The state of the session. Each number is assigned an operational status value of supported components, as follows:
0: Active
10: Connected
20: Disconnected
30: Reconnecting
40: PreparingSession
50: NonBrokeredSession
100: Unknown
Disconnected sessions can indicate users that are being disrupted due to network problems. Also, a high number of them being present results in excessive Virtual Memory usage.
If for some reason you cant find the metric you want in xendesktop using the current version, you can add an Idea/enhancement request for it to be added to UIM, and use ntperf in the meantime if the particular counter is available on the DDC/desktop.
Desktop Group Node Metrics
5. DesktopsDisconnected Integer Number of disconnected desktops
Disconnected sessions can indicate users that are being disrupted due to network problems. Also, a high number of them being present results in excessive Virtual Memory usage.
6. PhysicalDiskCurrentQueueLength Integer Physical disk current queue length
Note: The default value for QOS is -1 when no monitor type is present in the XenDesktop server. 1.0
7. PhysicalDiskTotalDiskBytesPerSec BytesPerSec Physical disk total disk bytes per sec
Note: The default value for QOS is -1 when no monitor type is present in the XenDesktop server.
Healthinfo node metrics
8. PhysicalDiskCurrentQueueLength Long Physical disk current queue length
Note: The default value for QOS is -1 when no monitor type is present in the XenDesktop server. 1.0
9. PhysicalDiskTotalDiskBytesPerSec BytesPerSec Physical disk total disk bytes per sec
Note: The default value for QOS is -1 when no monitor type is present in the XenDesktop server.
10. Load Indexes node
Cpu String The CPU usage of the machine
Memory Integer The memory usage of the machine
Disk Integer The disk usage of the machine
SessionCount Integer The session count usage of the machine
11. Machine Node metrics
SessionsPending Integer Number of pending (brokered but not yet established) sessions on this machine.
For multi-session machines, this also includes established sessions that have not yet completed their logon processing.
This link describes the metrics that can be configured using the XenDesktop Monitoring (xendesktop) probe.
xendesktop metrics