The Chorus JBoss application server failed to capture a dump due to the dump dataset being longer than 44 characters. Where is this variable set?
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The Chorus JBoss application server failed to capture a dump due to the dump dataset being longer than 44 characters. Where is this variable set?


Article ID: 12389


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Chorus Platform


After an IPL this past weekend the CA Chorus JBoss application server failed to start.  The dump process failed for the dataset's name was over 44


Where is the CA Chorus JBoss application server's dump dataset naming convention specified?  Specifically, to override the dataset mask name to ensure it 

does not extend beyond 44 characters?


Component: CHRDBM


In the CA Chorus JBoss ENVETJ member the field: JAVA_DUMP_TDUMP_PATTERN="<JDMPHLQ>.%job.D%m%d.T%H%M%S.X&DS" can be modified to

ensure the dataset name is within the 44 byte TSO limitation.





Additional Information

The JBoss server task will need to have the correct security permissions to write to data sets under the specified high level qualifier.