How can I implement nextkey processing in a large APPCLU profile record?
To implement NEXTKEY processing you simply add a rule line in the profile record that references the NEXTKEY profile record.
For Example
LU0.- SESSION(xxxxxLU0)
LU1.- SESSION(xxxxxLU1)
LU2.- SESSION(xxxxxLU2)
LU3.- SESSION(xxxxxLU3)
LU4.- SESSION(xxxxxLU4)
LU5.- SESSION(xxxxxLU5)
LU6.- SESSION(xxxxxLU6)
LU7.- SESSION(xxxxxLU7)
LU8.- SESSION(xxxxxLU8)
LU9.- SESSION(xxxxxLU9)
The continuation of the node list for NODEx is in NODExext
there is no need to include a $PREFIX statement in NODExext.