File Triggering Jobs Within a UNIX Fails With a USER specified
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File Triggering Jobs Within a UNIX Fails With a USER specified


Article ID: 12340


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CA 7 Workload Automation


Why does my File Triggering job to the UNIX system fail with the following messages?

STATUS: Scan Failed 

LSTATUS: File monitor logon functionality unavailable on this platform



WA CA 7 Edition


File triggers on a UNIX server do not need a username/password, however, here's a couple of notes to take into account: 

1.  If the agent is running as root, it will have access to all the files on the server. 

2.  If the agent is running as a user other than root, it will only have authority to the file where the user has access. 

In many cases the agent runs as root and file triggers work without any issues. 

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