Setting up DVIPA for ESP Workload Automation Workstation Server.
Does the Workstation Server component support a distributed DVIPA configuration and if so what is the recommended set up?
Component: ESP Workload Automation Workstation Server
Release: ALL
The LPARs lacking the TCPIP config parm 'IPCONFIG SYSPLEXROUTING' will not work. Without this setting, VIPADISTRIBUTE was overriding the DESTMETHOD of BASEWLM with ROUNDROBIN instead.
In other words, the 'IPCONFIG SYSPLEXROUTING' is recommended.
Note: there is another option to use with VIPADISTRIBUTE and that is the one called TIMEDAFFINITY. The default, when you do not code it, is 0 (zero); so if needed, add the option and set it to a value of 2 (seconds).