Change expiration date of archived file
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Change expiration date of archived file


Article ID: 12284


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VM:Archiver for z/VM


Is there a way to change an expiration date of a file that was archived almost a year ago?  We don't want it to expire until later in 2017.  


Release: VMARCH00400-2.4-VM:Archiver


Yes, use the CHANGE FILE command to change characteristics of archived files.    

This command lets you change:

  • How long CA VM:Archiver keeps an archived file, that is, alter its expiration date or retention period
  • A comment, add a comment, or delete a comment
  • The date on which the file migrates from ONLINE to TAPE storage, or add a migration date if one does not already exist
  • The file’s security level by adding or removing the PRIVATE designation


You can change files that have already been successfully archived, or files that have been scheduled to be copied directly to the TAPE storage area.  

Additional Information

The CHANGE command is documented in VM:Archiver's Command Reference which can be accessed at