The SRHNFBLK-139 field of the SROOT-DCS-139 record explained
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The SRHNFBLK-139 field of the SROOT-DCS-139 record explained


Article ID: 12264


Updated On:


IDMS IDMS - Database


What does the SRHNFBLK-139 field of the SROOT-DCS-139 record type represent?



Release: All supported releases.


The SRHNFBLK-139 field represents the number of SEXT-DCS-140 occurrences owned by the SROOT-DCS-139 occurrence. The SEXT-DCS-140 occurrences of the SROOT-DCS-139 record type represent queue records in the DDLDCRUN area; SROOT-DCS-139 is the queue record root. When storing a queue record, the system calculates the number of 500-byte blocks of data that the record comprises. The beginning of the queue record (that is, the first 500 or fewer bytes of data, as determined by the remainder in the calculation) is stored in the queue record root. If the queue record comprises more than 500 bytes of data, the remaining data is stored in SEXT-DCS-140 occurrences in blocks of 500 bytes.

For example:

If the QUEUE written is more than 500 bytes one or more SEXT-DCS-140 members are stored and connected to the SROOT. So if the first PUT QUEUE is 200 bytes then the number in the SRHNFBLK-139 field should be 0 to represent there are no SEXT-DCS-140 member records. If the put queue is 900 bytes the value in SRHNFBLK-139 should be 1 to indicate there is 1 SEXT-DCS-140 record.