During an Endevor GENERATE using COBOL 6.0, the compiler issue rc=04, but footprint on the object deck fails.
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During an Endevor GENERATE using COBOL 6.0, the compiler issue rc=04, but footprint on the object deck fails.


Article ID: 12235


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


We have an intermittent problem on a GENERATE in place where a compile (COBOL V6) completes with a RC=0004 and then fails trying to FP the object in a temporary PDS/E. 

A regenerate will complete without problem.

Why does a footprint request fail (C1G0256E MEMBER NOT FOUND) on the object deck for a COBOL v6.0 compile, when the regenerate completes ?


COBOL v6.0


Know problem with compiler. Contact vendor (IBM).