What tables a certification comments are stored in CA Identity Governance database.
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What tables a certification comments are stored in CA Identity Governance database.


Article ID: 12233


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CA Identity Manager CA Identity Governance CA Identity Portal


Sometimes client needs consult inside os SQL tables what comments were done in each campaign approve process to generate a custom report.

To do this this techdoc mentiones what tables are necessary research in SQL/Oracle tables from Governance Minder database.

What tables need to research inside of GM tables to see the entered comments from approvers and what universe/campaign belongs these comments?

Doing a select in table BusinessFlowComments can see all Comments but it's not possible determine what universe/campaign generated the comment with only one id present in this table.


CA Governance Minder 12.6 any Service Pack


- The table comments that contains the approver comments during a campaign are inside of BusinessFlowComments table. This table have the column Comment ID

- With # of column CommentID that is also present in the another table named as "BFTaskComments" it's possible see the in the colum BusinessFlowId #.


- BusinessFlowId is a number too and with this value doing a select in the table BusinessFlows it's possible to disocover what Universe, Owner, Name (of campaign) and other informations from that comment.

- One example:

if Commentid id #1 and BusinessFlowId is #27 you do a select in a third table named as "BusinessFlows" that will have the column "Universe", "Owner", "Name", etc... for that Comment.