When looking at TPX-panels, for example at the TPX Main menu there are variables 'Z' instead of 'real' Variable names. What is the explanation for this?
When you look for example at panel TEN0041, the TPX Main Menu. Here you find four variables 'Z':
_Z:uentuser; PF:Z + <Z ¬z +
They are related to the list starting with .ZVARS located below the marker )INIT:
The first Z is replaced with variable UENTSLCT, the second Z with UENTPJMP and so on - the pairs of Z and the relating variable name are marked with colors. The reason for using this ZVARS-list is that the names of the variables are longer than the values. The PF-key is only two bytes long but the variable name is UENTPJMP. This technique allows to keep the length of the fields as short as necessary.