What is the max length for the Length position for the UIDLOC parm in the CA Endevor C1DEFLTS table?
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What is the max length for the Length position for the UIDLOC parm in the CA Endevor C1DEFLTS table?


Article ID: 12225


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


What is the maximum user length that can be define in the UIDLOC parameter in the Endevor C1DEFLTS table?


Component: ENDBAS


The maximum length that can be used for LENGTH field of the UIDLOC parameter is 8,  the range of the length field is anywhere between 1 and 8. 

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The character positions of the user ID that should be compared for ownership (that is, for Element signout and signout override check) in batch. You specify a starting position and number of characters.

For example, if you wanted to take the first three characters of the user ID, then you would specify UIDLOC=(1,3). Default is the first seven characters: UIDLOC=(1,7).