Is SYSTEM still a valid PARM for CA Easytrieve release 11.6?
CA Easytrieve Report Generator, release 11.6
SYSTEM is a valid PARM under CA Easytrieve Plus release 6.4 0311. It is not valid for CA Easytrieve release 11.6.
SYSTEM parameter under release 6.4 is documented in the Reference Guide with this information:
Specifies the host operating system under which the system will be running.
Valid options are DOSVSE or OS. DOSVSE refers to version AF2 or higher.
Release 11.6 only supports the OS system, so this parameter is not necessary or relevant under release 11.6.
The SYSTEM option parameter is documented in the Release Summary with the other parameters from release 6.4 which are not supported with release 11.6:
Easytrieve Report Generator 11.6 Differences between releases