How to check the contents of the .sds file under hub queue folder
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How to check the contents of the .sds file under hub queue folder


Article ID: 12184


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management On-Premise (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM)


How to open the sds file(s) to check the contents of the .sds files for a given probe, in the hub queue folder.


Release: DX UIM, Any version


There is an sdsfile executable file in the $Nimsoft\hub\ folder on the hub machine.

The example below will output the contents of the ###.sds file(s) into a text file

cd \Program Files (x86)\Nimsoft\hub>

   sdsfile.exe -v filename.sds > filename.txt

If the sdsfile.exe crashes when you run this command, it means the sds file is corrupted.

Important note: .sds files are normally locked by the hub.  For this reason, you should only perform this operation on a .sds file while the hub is stopped, or perform the operation on a COPY of the .sds file.  Trying to execute the process vs. an .sds file that is "live" and in use by the hub will usually fail.