After executing the Database Management Solutions for Db2 for z/OS Post Install ssid0000 Compare Db2 Objects job with the RECOVERY option specified as Y,
noted DROP, CREATE, and ALTER statements to upgrade the Db2 objects in hlq.CDBASAMP ssidDDL and ssidDDLU members.
The RECOVER.DSN and RECOVER.DSNU datasets are not populated and there are no unload files of original table data named as userid.dbname.TIDnnn.ssid.RDATA.
Want to confirm all the recovery statements and files should be ready prior to the execution on Database Management object upgrade.
The RECOVERY .CALL SNAPSHOT process within the ssid0001 Database Management tools Post Install Create Db2 Objects job will dynamically
create the required RDATA unload files and populate the RECOVER.DSN datasets as required.