The Clarity Mobile App (latest release is 3.1.1) can be used to enter, submit, approve, and return timesheets.
Download the mobile app from either iTunes or Google Store by searching for: clarity by broadcom
What needs to be setup?
A. The authentication type/architecture will need to be discussed, setup, and configured by the customer's network team.
B. Set up user(s) in Clarity.
Open Clarity in a browser (clear cache or open as Incognito or InPrivate)
1. Log in as a user having all administrative rights.
2. Create a group that will be using the MTM.
Go to Administration > Organization and Access > Groups > New > MTM_Test
a. Add the user(s).
b. Add the global rights:
Mobile - Access
Mobile - Enter Time - Navigate
3. Check if LDAP authentication is being used.
a. Go to the Administration > Resources > select resource > Properties page.
b. Check that the field(External Authentication) is checkmarked.
4. Make sure the user is not set to 'Locked' or 'Inactive'
C. On the mobile app from the smartphone, verify the resource is inputting the following fields correctly:
Based on the selected authentication method, be sure to enter the correct information:
a. SSO URL : https://<server>/niku
b. Username
c. Password
Note: Any login issue will need to be reviewed by the network team and/or the Broadcom SSO team if on GCP.
3.0 only allows the submission of timesheets, but not approval.
3.1 allows for the submission and approval of timesheets.
3.2.3 if Log in with Username is selected, the Clarity URL must not contain any path (/niku, /pm)