What is the difference in using CA Deliver Report Identification Text Types BEG/END and PAG?
Report Identification Text Types BEG and END, respectively, select the beginning page through the end page of an "overlapping segment", whereas type PAG selects each page that meets the search criteria.
An overlapping segment is one or more pages of data.
Segments are extracted from the sysout data set and are put into a report that can be wholly or partially duplicated in other reports.
For example:
Report Identification Text:
Line Column
Sel Typ R Op Beg End Beg End Text
BEG Y EQ 1 98 'ABC123'
END Y EQ 1 98 'XYZ789'
. Will extract pages in the section where the given text values meet the criteria.
Report Identification Text:
Line Column
Sel Typ R Op Beg End Beg End Text
PAG Y EQ 1 98 'ABC123'
. Will extract each page with the text match.
Note: If the BEG and END types have identical text values, then the results would be the same as the pages extracted by the PAG type.