SARINI24 message appearing while running SARINIT job. What are the reasons for this error?
The occurrence of the SARINI24 message indicates that there are GEN= , TAPESEQ= , or DRTSEQ= parameters being specified in the SARINIT job's //SYSIN DD input.
These parameters can only be used when a View database is first initialized. For SARINIT to run successfully, ensure that these parameters are not specified in the SARINIT job's //SYSIN DD input.
Here is the definition of the SARINI24 message:
SARINI24 GEN=, TAPESEQ=, DRTSEQ= only valid during first init of database; ignored
Reason: The GEN=, TAPESEQ=, and DRTSEQ= initialization parameters can only be used for newly created databases.
Action: None. The unacceptable parameters are ignored.