CSEXI0048E attempting to rename a server manager
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CSEXI0048E attempting to rename a server manager


Article ID: 12005


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When an application developer attempts to change a Server Manager Name on the Gen Client Server Encyclopedia (CSE) that had been 'auto-named' when uploading the model to the CSE, they get the error:
CSEXI0048E Duplicate Named Object Exists. 

When they look on the CSE, they cannot find any duplicate named objects in order to allow them to use the desired name.  


Gen Client Server Encyclopedia (CSE)


The documented message for error CSEXI0048E is:

Either another object of the same (or similar) type exists in the model with the same name or the name is a reserved word. Enter a different name for the object.

Assuming it is not a reserved word (if so, the name entered cannot be used), determine where the existing name is used by an implementation type object using one of the following methods:

  • Use Gen Support supplied 'Duplicate Object Name' SQL (available when requested on a support case) t
  • Use Walkency under Utilities in Support Client to again determine where the implementation object name is located.

Once the relevant object is located the name can be changed or removed accordingly either by checking out the model/relevant subset or by using the Rename Object/Delete Object functions under the Encyclopedia Client Model Selection > Actions in Model Selection.